Whoever receives a child like this on my behalf receives me. Mt 18,5
We slowly progressed from talks to prayer, sharing food and hanging out under the tree. Children were drawing their small hands on pieces of paper with crayons. As we did not have enough crayons for everyone...
Jose is an 83-year-old Cuban. For the last fifty years, he has been living in a little one-room house, which, for three years, had no roof. Occasionally, he works as a gardener. Other than that, he does not have any income...
The project was born as a response to the situation of many families living in extreme poverty, whose children do not go to school, but spend their time on the street, trying to survive on hot asphalt, walking barefoot, dirty and in torn clothes. Young children are completely naked or, at best, half-naked.
Many of them live on ranches or in rented houses, without water, electricity, or sanitary facilities.
With this project we help poor children in schooling and their overall development, their families who are in most cases dysfunctional, whether one or both parents have died, or the parents are divorced and many times left in the care of a family or to someone who provides them with a roof over their heads.